Saturday, January 1, 2011

Over at the 2 peas site, they have a thread going - share a organising tip.
Well, there was a tip (several actually) that I really liked - it was simple, practical, achievable (most important of all) and cheap!

Instead of buying different wrapping papers for birthday's, babies, anniversary's, engagements and Christmas etc, a 'pea' suggested plain kraft wrap and a coloured ribbon. It became a 'signature' wrap for that person.Well, that took my fancy, so much so, that when I popped out yesterday to Westcity to buy a couple birthday presents, I brought 2x (large) rolls of ribbon and a roll of kraft paper.
The results:

I needed a tag for the gifts - P helped me with the names, using some old alpha stickers I have - recognise the CM at the back??? - and I pulled out my cupcake punch from Martha Stewart to make a boarder. I must admit, I like this idea!

This is actually only 1 of the many ideas I have picked up from the thread - I am gonna try to implement some more other the tips from there! :)



  1. This is deff a great tip. I have to admit I always have a roll of brown paper tucked up the corner of my craft room along with brown paper bags. They look great with stamped images on too. My daughter did a lovely parcel for her dad this Christmas with a snowman stamped in the corner...I have to say it looked fab under the tree.

    Love the tags you've made Jamey, the parcels look really lovely.

  2. Jamie you are become more and more crafty by the
