Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yay me!
I won some blog candy a couple of weeks ago - and I stalked the mailman. waiting, waiting, waiting for it to come - from Canada!  (the mail, not the mailman!) Well, he came on Saturday morning - hubby brought in the mail as I had my head in the oven! Cleaning it of course - cos I am a domestic goddess!

This is what my 'happymail' contained:

A lovely mix of patterned paper, a length of ribbon, and a cutie little card with a whipper snapper bee image! Thank you Kelly for making me smile :)

Now I need my 'mojo' back!

I actually went down to my room to create, looked at my desk, and discovered I had no room on my desk to do anything - all my new purchases and goodies just get dumped, placed nicely on my desk, so I spent my time tidying up and putting away stuff, put some items on trademe to sell, and then it was time to make dinner. So another wasted weekend, creatively. And, if you are reading this Glenna, I'm still waiting for you to come over and organise me in my room!

However, this weekend is the monthly crop I go to - 6 hours of uninteruppted scrapping, I should be able to do something exciting - I got over 100 photos printed, including the new round of babies been born - not mine (thank goodness) but to various nieces and nephews. This is the latest baby, taken on the day little Ella-Pearl was born 15th Aug:

This is the first baby for my eldest niece. Isn't Ella beautiful (it is tempting to have another - lol!)

Well, I'd like to think I will have a project to show you on the weekend....stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for leaving such a lovely comment on my SCS gallery! I can't wait to see what you do with the blog candy!
