Sunday, November 22, 2009

Christmas is coming - and every so often I surprise myself! I started a Christmas project AND finished it in the same year! And, its not even December yet!

Whilst browsing the zutterzisters site months ago I saw this cool idea, and thought I could do that. So I did. Admittedly, I did start it half way through the year, and have only just finished it, but, in my defence, I did play around with it for awhile - creating the base, redoing the santa, and choosing the Christmas papers (try getting those in June!)
Soooo - what do you think????

The original idea was posted in January 09, by Fleur Smith - although I couldn't find it on her blog, it was on the zutterzisters site. Those ladies on the zutter site are very clever, and think outside the square!
When I first started making it, I thought this would help my daughter with her counting backwards skills (trying to be a good educational mummy), and I don't actually like the commercial advent calendars (why get a piece of choccie every day until Christmas, then have nothing but choccie on Christmas) and with 4 kids, it doesn't work out to be very exciting for them to have only 3-4 pieces each (cos I would have to have a piece or two myself!).

Now that I have finished it, I can see how to improve on it, and what I would do differently next time (next time?) But, I also started my Christmas Cards for this year, and again I must reiterate, it's not even December yet! I have so far, made 14 cards, with a few more to go.
I am either super organised, (yeah right!) or I have no life...
I have been busy this weekend - I did some ironing,  tried to learn how to do a french braid (still can't do it - my fingers don't co-operate with me), baked a batch of choc chip cookies, a coffee slice, and  a chocolate cake. I also did the grocery shopping - no small feat with husband and 2 teenagers in tow, and spent....... $544.45 (and I still have NO food in the house!).
I am absolutely knackered, so I am off to crash on the couch.
Until next time...



  1. This is way cute Jamey - great idea :-) And what a domestic goddess you are - Cards started, shopping done, baking and ironing - puts me to shame.

  2. First, your project is WONDERFUL! At first when I saw it I didn't get the "sleeps", but then I realized what it meant and boy what a cute idea! I LOVE that! You did a wonderful job on this. I love it! Best, Curt
